Here's the Top Ten list of foods I try to always buy organic. This list consists of food with the highest pesticide residues:
1. Peaches
2. Strawberries
3. Cantaloupe
4. Cherries
5. Apricots
6. Watermelon
7. Apples
8. Green Beans
9. Spinach
10. Corn
I have always wondered which fruits/veggies has the highest amount of pesticide residue. It's healthier and safer to buy organic if you can. This was taken from Greenridge Organics blog. I stumbled across them when I was looking for vegan organic natural skincare products. I have been using Dr. Haushka's skin care/cosmetic stuff and realized the eyeliner I have been using is made with Carmine which is the wings from cactus beetles. C'mon people! That is just gross and wrong! I don't want to be putting beetle wings on my eyes. It's bad enough that when I ride my bike I get bugs in my eyes accidentally. I don't want to be purposely putting bug parts in my eyes. Yuck! So Greenridge Organics seems fantastic and once I get paid again I am going to start buying from them.....unless I find products that are more local. Check them out. http://www.greenridgeherbals.com/
Hey, Melynda!
What a great blog! Thanks for the list. i think non-organic potatoes should also be avoided!
I actually think all non-organic foods should be avoided, but it's good to know what to really watch out for. I didn't even think about potatoes. Thanks Susan!
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